The Lima Peru Temple!!!! It’s beautiful, and it just got new patron housing! We had a light breakfast here because we knew we had a delicious lunch to look forward to.

In McDonalds!!!!!!
Just kidding. We just stopped in here to use their wifi. Thank you Ronald!
Sorry. You hang around with a group of nuts and some of it rubs off on you.

This is the lunch we had been looking forward to. The chicken at this place was incredible and the restaurant overlooked the Pacific.

And then Vanessa bought us gelato. Delicioso. Thank you Vanessa.

This is my buddy from the mission, Elder Tello. He was an amazing missionary. I was able to learn so much from him during my whole mission. It was quite the blessing to be able to spend some time with him. Here we are with his fiance Angie. I was so impressed with her. They are going to make the perfect couple for each other because they are truly best friends.

I love the beach! Unfortunately it is winter in Lima, but there were still quite a few surfers in the water (not in this part of the beach, but another). I really really wanted to go because the waves looked perfect! They were long, and predictable.

After our ice cream we went a museum on the Spanish Inquisition. Those guilty of transgressions would be executed, tortured, or both.

This was pretty awesome and creepy. Here we have the old Congress and courthouse. They would sentence people to death and torture. They showed, inside, all the different ways they would kill people and torture them by having real sized manikins in the positions. I felt like I was in the Tower of London again with the Beef-eaters!

We finally got to meet Lili’s younger sister Noelia!! She’s really fun and happy, just like Lili! Finally we know who gives Lili all those bruises when they play around together.
Ray, she’s just kidding. Come on……

Ray and I slept in Lili’s room. This is her bed. She has decorated the wall with birthday wishes from her friends. She seems to be a popular girl. I got a good nights sleep there but woke up to take an ice cold shower. They mentioned days before that the water heater was broken but assured us that it would be fixed by the time we got there. Those girls are so “mischievous” haha. We learned later that it had been fixed but they just wanted to hear Ray scream in the cold water so had turned the hot water off. haha. Note to readers: Not funny.
Showers were a challenge for us the entire trip. Often freezing cold and in Cusco both Ray and Clark report receiving a jolt of electricity when they touched the control knobs. And then there was the matter of the 3 of us sharing the same towel. The last one to shower (usually Ray) was left to air dry because the towel was soaking wet by then. Sometimes it was even wet the following day.

After rushing to the airport we found that the Newark flight was delayed until 4am. Because of this our flight to Houston filled up. While waiting we ordered a Papa John’s pizza.

Clark and Vanessa took the time to continue their war of words. I didn’t usually understand a word they said, but they sure liked going at each other.

Clark is going to miss those arguments. At about midnight the girls had to say good-bye and head home. We had to continue hanging out and hope for a seat.

Eventually we got our seats. Bryce and Ray in First Class, Clark in coach. Clark was cool with that because as you can see he can sleep anywhere. It was a short trip as one of the engines on our 757 started shuddering, so after a couple of hours in the air we diverted to Panama to see if they could fix it. After a couple of hours we found that we could catch a flight to Houston so that is what we did.
Peru was awesome!!! We’re going to miss all the fun times we had there! It was the perfect place to end with before coming home to Spencer’s wedding, and school starting.