Friday, August 17, 2012

Peru – Day 5 – Abancay to Cusco


The next morning we learned why I was stung by a bee the and why there were bees all over the apartment. Lili’s uncle was a beekeeper and on the roof above us he kept about 10 hives. Each with about 25,000 bees. A lot of bees.


Smoked Jerky. I mean Smoked Wilkey.


It seemed like a good idea to put on these hoods to protect us from the bees, but l felt pretty nervous when I started feeling bees crawling up my legs.

Ray, who wears a jacket with a veil and then shorts? Come on… Seriously though considering how long it had been since Ray had done any laundry,the bees were in a lot more danger than Ray was when crawling up his leg. Bee#1- What’s that smell? Bee#2- It sure doesn’t smell like flowers. Bee #3- And that sure ain’t pollen, I’m getting out of here.


Later they let us sample some of the honey. Muy Delicioso.


Que Flaite! (What gangsters!)


This is Lili’s uncle’s place in Abancay. We were sleeping on the 2nd floor. The bees were just above us.


I love playin soccer! Here we were kickin the ball around with Luis!


Back on the bus headed back to Cusco. Lili’s cousin threw the jacket she forgot up to Clark as the bus pulled out. Lili: “You gotta have faith”.


A long and winding road. 4-5 hours worth. First up and down one mountain and then up and down another. This time it was Vanessa’s turn to get carsick.




The guy standing first spent an hour trying to sell us on the bus some miracle colon medication and then spent the rest of the bus ride giving Ray the stink eye. I don’t think he liked seeing Ray and Clark being so friendly with the Peruvian Chiquitas. The girls not the bananas.


Bembo’s!. Peruvian hamburger joint.



Lily: “ Ray what is that on your shirt?

Ray looking down: “What?”

Lili as she slaps his face. haha  “He fell for it. High Five!”


Mini foosball! They call it pinky. I’m pretty sure I dominated at it, but somehow I lost 2 – 1.


“Dinner” with Grandma and her Uncle’s family. Very nice family. Grandma had 11 kids so Lily has a lot of relatives.

Lili made a bet with me that we were going to go eat dinner at her Uncle’s house (right after I had forced down a huge burger from Bembo’s). Thankfully it was just hot cocoa and bread!


Benjamin was awesome! He is my kind of kid. He loves soccer and knows everything about it!


Benjamin’s older brother. A talented and passionate musician.



The latest dance craze spreading around Cusco. “The Wilkey”


We went to the plaza so my dad could get some last photos in Cusco because he was leaving early the next morning to go to Lima and then back to the states. Our flight to Lima wasn’t until the next day, and then we would spend a couple days in Lima before flying home.

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