The art attack! What a stud!
This is a fruit that they don’t have in the states! It was pretty tasty!
So we went and got massages. It was pretty sweet. But the lady that gave me my massage was so hard on me! I was in pain the whole time! Then she said that she was going easy. She was not going easy at all. She said I was so tense that it would take four massages per month to get fixed. So mother…we need to get that scheduled.
Hahaha, my massage was so relaxing! I almost fell asleep! Multiple times!
We went and worked out! It was the first time I’ve gotten a good workout in months, and we were all really tired afterwards.
These were some weird noodles we ate. It’s probably the only thing we ate in Thailand that we didn’t like.
Remember those weird noodles? Well they left us going to the bathroom quite a bit for the rest of the day!
Wo you la duzi.