Monday, August 6, 2012

Melbourne to Sydney


Wake up Andy!!! It’s time to say goodbye!!! We had a fantastic although short stay with the Connell family! : )


Doesn’t Andy’s mom look great in this picture!! She refused to take one with us but we finally talked her into it mate!


 2 of Andy’s sisters! (Ashleigh and Steph)


This is me with my homie sean! He is a pretty rad kid and he is way good at footie like his bro. We had such a good time with this family.


 This is Tilly! She does a killer german accent. She is Steph’s best friend, and she’s super cool. We’ll have to hang out more next time!

I love ze temple in Frankfurt!


 We got to ride to work with Steph!! (Well, at least part way). She’s way fun to talk to, and she’s going to be the perfect nanny when she comes to America next year.


 We made it to Sydney around noon, and we found a cool boat show going on. Clark asked the guy if it was free, and he said it costs 18 dollars!!! There was no way we were going to pay that, but then as we were walking away he called us back and let us in for free!! He said – We take care of our Americans.


I love Kebabs! Ray always says they are his favorite food and I always had my doubts but it is true. They are really good! I could eat them once a day.




Man are we out of place in this picture! These yachts were worth millions!! Yah I know…we are worth billions.


YSA Australia! What a great group of people! We had so much fun playing cards with them. It was the most diversity I have ever seen in a YSA group. We had people from every country. Even LAOS! Shout out to our new friend Jocky!




 We learned from our dear from Sister Clark (who we met in Japan) that the open mouth symbolizes the beginning and the closed mouth symbolizes the end…of this blog post.


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