This guy is the reason we made it to the States when we did. He is a Pilot for United and he was so kind to let us have his seat while he took the jump seat. He was a lot of fun to talk to and was super stoked on life.
“We’re the impossibles from Austin Texas!” (Song lyrics from the group The Impossibles) So we made it to Austin and man, its hot and awesome!
So apparently Spencer was supposed to start going to a ward that starts at 8:30AM. We went there, and found out that this week was stake conference! We helped set up some chairs and hung out until 10 when it started. It was a really great stake conference. There was a guy from St. George that spoke, and another guy who served in Italy! The most memorable talk was probably the one given by a young woman who told a story about when she and her friends were hot tubbing and they started talking about spiritual things, she felt prompted to share something with them, hesitated, but then decided to share it. She said they really felt the spirit in that hot tub!
The three amigos!
Sunday dinner!!!!! We had some gnarly oven pizza!
Spencer loves having us over : )
This is the Capital Building. It’s pretty old and pretty cool. A lot of stuff has taken place in this building. Texas is a pretty important state. I can just imagine how many bandits came into this building, with their pistols yelling, “Sheriff, you and me…outside.” then going to the street as the tumble weeds blow by as the line up in front of each other. All of a sudden they draw and the Sheriff shoots the bandits gun out of his hand and yells, “Get out of here you mangy animal” That is what I call true Texan history.
Austin is filled with Crickets. It’s crazy.
Let’s go Rick Perry!!!! Number 1
The camera didn’t focus too well, but that guy in the background is totally named Ray.
I am so sorry Hailey. I know how you feel. haha
I had to have Clark pose for a photo because I seriously thought that Jimmy John’s was just a St. George thing, but they were all over Austin!
Life is pretty darn good!
Later Finchster! Love ya homie. Can’t wait for the big day. August 25th is going to be a day to remember. We will see you then.
We had a fun time visiting Spencer!! It must be hard being out there on those hot summer days, but I guess sacrifice brings forth blessings and he seems to be having success and we’re all looking forward to the Bachelor party in August!!! (and the wedding of course)