Friday, June 8, 2012


At first taking a day bus didn't seem like it would be so great. Then we got on, started going, and after about 20 minutes we found out that we had been on the bus for three hours already cause we had both fallen asleep. By the end it seemed like the ride was way too short. 

This picture is kind of difficult to understand but this was a pretty crazy. We were in a bus which was in a box car on a train underneath the ocean. We traveled under the English Channel in the Chunnel on a bus which was on a train. Keep in mind, I am very claustrophobic so this was pretty intense for me. As we are entering the train on the bus, Ray goes, "wow, I am not claustrophobic at all but I am sure feeling it." Worst thing he could have said. haha But I did ok. I only had to focus twice throughout the 30 minutes underneath. Pretty crazy!

Getting some reading done on the bus! 

I am so sorry Lia! We have know idea what this clock tower is called and I am too lazy to look it up. It was really pretty tho. This was the first stop we made in France. We had to stop here because our bus driver got a ticket the week before. He was a crazy bus driver.

I'm pretty sure our bus driver was from Amsterdam because he loved to smoke. Every time we stopped he would step out and smoke.

I love rain when it rains twice a year. My parents have spoiled me by raising me in St. George.

We stopped in Brussels for a few minutes. All I can say is...a few minutes was enough. We weren't too into it. 

This one's for you Don Quixote.

This is a dear friend, who we met on the bus, named Carmen. She is from Australia. She has been backpacking for six months throughout North America and now she is hitting up Europe.

Carmen was way awesome! I was dead tired when we were talking to her, but from what I remember she is super cool. She's probably going to go study in French in Paris next year. 

WE MADE IT!!! This is the Amsterdam Central Station. Pretty cool building. We are already impressed with how nice it is here. 

It was great to arrive in Amsterdam. All the buildings look awesome. 

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